

Barren Island

The only active volcano in india is located in barren island.The volcano erupted twice in recent past ,once in 1991 and again in 1994-95,after dormant for about 177 years .This island is about 3 kms .In diameter and has big crater of the volcano,about half a kilometres away from the shore.The island can be visited by chartred bots only with the permission of forest department. Foreigners are restricted to-board vessels only and landing ashore is not allowed.
There are two ways to reach the Barren Island, you can either take a seaplane from Port Blair or take a ferry ride which will take three rounds around the Island and back.
4 reasons why you must visit Barren Island!
So, are you wondering where is Barren Island in India? To those who know, kudos as you certainly seem like an avid traveler filled with wanderlust and curiosity about unexplored places. Anyways, to those who are unaware, Barren Island is one of the most easterly of the Andaman Islands. It is a part of the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Barren Island lives up to its name and if you expect a commercialized beach or anything of that sort here, you should rather stay away. However, we give you 4 reasons why you MUST visit Barren Island.

Active volcano
Barren Island is home to the ONLY active volcano in South Asia. The first recorded eruption of the volcano dates back to 1787. Since 1787, the volcano has erupted over 10 times. The most recent eruption started in September 2010, which continued till January 2011!

Scuba Diving
The waters surrounding Barren Island offer a great destination for scuba diving. It’s a remote diving destination, but it has a lot for one to see. The crystal clear waters, interesting basalt formations, coral gardens are few of the things you mustn’t miss at this site.

Serene and secluded
Barren Island is truly barren and uninhabited by humans. This ensures serenity at a divine level. It is not easily accessible so not many tourists opt to visit Barren Island, though it’s totally worth it. One needs permission from the Forest Department to visit the Island. Also, the operation of sorties to Barren Island is on the basis of demand, with minimum 7 passengers per sortie. A lot of people consider this as too much of a hassle and avoid a trip to this Island. However, those seeking refuge away from other tourists should plan a day’s trip here!

Photographer’s paradise
Barren Island is home to a small population of goats, flying foxes and a few rodent species. Well, given to the harsh conditions, not many animals can survive here. However, the place is pretty, surrounded by crystal blue waters. It’s quite a visual delight, we must say!